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Follow Up Managing Autoimmune cond

Managing Autoimmune Conditions using Naturopathic & Ayurvedic Principles -Online

80 euros

Description du service

Autoimmune disease is defined as an immune reaction against one’s own tissues . A robust immune system needs to fight foreign invaders but not harm ourselves in the process. We now know more than ever about autoimmune disease and all the contributing factors. A Naturopath /Ayurvedic Praticioner, can take the time to identify all the factors and help you deal with your condition from a wholistic perspective. We will establish a totally personalized program to rectify your imbalances and we will decide together on a program implementing different changes based on naturopathic/ayurvedic techniques, aiming to reduce inflammation in your body and help to manage those auto-immune flares and the condition itself.This will include a personalised dietary plan that might also include relaxation, hydrology, phytology and aromatology tips/suggestions. We will also determine some rules of hygiene of life (rhythms, schedules, activities), some body treatments and massages, the use of spices and food supplements and physical exercises and any other method that seems appropriate to you patient and to your specific situation. The complete assessment helps you better understand your daily functioning and metabolism, and gives you the keys to remedy the ailments that disturb your natural balance.  



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